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Epic Keynotes vs A Typical Speakers Bureau Part 2: BOOK - Epic Keynotes

You Don’t Need Order Takers. You Need a Facilitator.

Booking a keynote speaker isn’t just about securing the speaker for your event; it’s about orchestrating a symphony of ideas, inspiration, and impact.

At Epic Keynotes, we understand that the process of confirming a speaker transcends mere logistics—it’s about forging a partnership that ensures both sides are aligned for success.


Read More: Don’t blow your Internal Event budget on a celebrity speaker.


Beyond the Basics: Aligning Vision and Expectations

When it comes to confirming a speaker, clarity and alignment are paramount. Many bureaus simply relay the essential booking details—event info, the on-site schedule, and logistical details—but at Epic Keynotes, our approach is rooted in comprehensive communication.

We go beyond the basics to provide speakers with a detailed understanding of the context and expectations surrounding their engagement.

The Strategic Firm Offer: More Than Just a Document

Our firm offer process isn’t just about paperwork; it’s a strategic dialogue that begins from the moment our clients embark on their speaker selection process (as described in Part 1: FIND - of this three part series).

By documenting every detail and insight gathered during that process, we ensure that when we present a firm offer to a speaker we also communicate a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and aspirations.


Read More: The Speakers unBureau: Discover The Epic Keynotes Difference


Ensuring Clarity and Commitment

Each firm offer drafted by Epic Keynotes is a testament to our commitment to clarity and professionalism. We don’t simply send out blank templates for clients to fill in; instead, we meticulously compile all pertinent details, ensuring that both our clients and speakers have a comprehensive understanding of their commitments.

Empowering Every Speaking Engagement

Our rigorous approach isn’t just about fulfilling logistical requirements; it’s about empowering our clients to focus on the broader success of their event.

By providing speakers with a thorough briefing on why they’ve been chosen and what’s expected of them, we cultivate an environment where both parties can confidently commit to a shared vision of excellence.

Partner with Epic Keynotes

Booking a keynote speaker needs to be more than a transaction. By prioritizing clear communication, thorough documentation, and strategic alignment we elevate every booking to ensure that the speaker not only meets your expectations but exceeds them.

Stop working with order takers and constantly repeating information. Let us ensure the speaker you book is prepared to craft an unforgettable keynote presentation that inspires, educates, and motivates your audience.


This article is one of a 3-part series:

Epic Keynotes vs A Typical Speakers Bureau - Part 1: FIND

Epic Keynotes vs A Typical Speakers Bureau - Part 3: COORDINATE

Joshua White
Post by Joshua White