Our Insights On The Impact Of Keynote Speakers

Deep Dive: Establishing the Speaker Review Procedure - Epic Keynotes

Written by Joshua White | Oct 15, 2024 10:10:50 PM

Streamlining the Speaker Decision: Ensuring Efficiency and Collaboration

Selecting the right keynote speaker is crucial for your event’s success. However, the process can become increasingly complex when multiple stakeholders are involved. Decision paralysis, under-commitment, and the risk of settling for a suboptimal choice are common pitfalls.

At Epic Keynotes, we’ve developed a structured approach to streamline the decision-making process, ensuring every stakeholder has a voice and the best possible speaker is selected.

The Importance of a Clear Review Procedure

Navigating the decision-making process can be particularly challenging when dealing with committees, associations, and groups of 3 or more where the speaker choice is made collectively. In such scenarios, it’s essential to establish a speaker review procedure from the outset.

This procedure not only defines timelines and sets expectations for feedback but also outlines the criteria for evaluation, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

Collaboration and Efficiency: Our Structured Approach

As part of our speaker selection process, we work closely with our clients to understand the unique dynamics of their decision-making bodies. We consider the number of stakeholders involved, the urgency of the decision, and the specific information the stakeholders need to evaluate potential speakers effectively.

Defining Timelines and Expectations

A critical component of our procedure is establishing a clear timeline. We work with you to create a schedule that accommodates all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone has ample time to review and provide feedback on the recommended speakers.

This timeline includes key milestones and deadlines, which help keep the process on track and prevent unnecessary delays.

Setting Evaluation Criteria

To ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation, we help define specific criteria that each stakeholder should consider. These criteria may include the speaker's expertise, relevance to the event's theme, speaking style, and previous audience feedback. By outlining these parameters, we create a common framework that all stakeholders can use to assess each candidate, making the comparison more straightforward and objective.

The Feedback Process

An essential part of our structured approach is the feedback process. We establish a clear and efficient method for collecting and consolidating feedback from all stakeholders. This may involve structured surveys, rating systems, or facilitated discussions, depending on what works best for your group.

Our goal is to ensure that every voice is heard and that the collective input is used to make an informed decision.

The Epic Keynotes Difference – the Role of Project Management

Finding the right speakers is a big part of what we do. We also excel in project management. At Epic Keynotes, we understand the complexities involved in selecting the right keynote speaker, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. Our approach to establishing a speaker review procedure ensures that every stakeholder has a role in the decision-making process and reduces the likelihood of compromises and delays.

By adhering to the established timeline and evaluation criteria, we keep the process focused and goal-oriented. This minimizes the chances of settling for a speaker who may not fully meet your needs, ensuring that the final choice is the best possible fit for your event.

This is the Epic Keynotes difference—a commitment to excellence that ensures the keynote speakers you book not only meet but exceed expectations.


Read More: The Speakers unBureau: Discover The Epic Keynotes Difference