Leadership events are an essential part of corporate training, development, and networking that every company should incorporate into its playbook.
These events can improve team dynamics, foster creativity, and enhance communication, for starters. But with so many leadership event types to choose from, it can be challenging to select one that best aligns with your company's objectives.
So let’s take a look at some of the most popular leadership events and explore how to identify the right one for your company.
1. Leadership Conference
What exactly is a leadership conference, and what do you stand to gain from organizing one? Leadership conferences bring together a broad group of a company’s leaders - from middle managers to the c-suite - or a functional group from a business division. These events might be held annually or quarterly, with a goal of sharing experiences and best practices around a specific objective.
Leadership conferences are excellent for networking, learning from experts, and gaining insights into the latest industry trends. They typically feature keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and panel discussions.
Similar to a leadership conference, a global leadership conference brings together leaders from a global team to discuss topics such as cross-cultural communication, managing teams across borders, and navigating the geopolitical landscape. In an increasingly interconnected world, business leaders must navigate the complexities of a global market. Hearing about different experiences, perspectives, and strategies can help leaders refine their own skills while developing a nuanced understanding of the global leadership alignment required for a company’s overall growth.
How do you plan a leadership conference that will be both engaging and informative? Begin by defining your goals. What do you hope to achieve through this conference? Do you want to educate your attendees on new trends and best practices in your industry, or do you want to focus on leadership development? Once you've defined your goals, you can begin planning the conference's format, content and speakers.
2. Leadership Summit
At a leadership summit, mid-sized and large companies gather top executives, C-suite leaders, and other stakeholders in an inspiring setting to spur creativity, innovation, and development. The purpose of a leadership summit is to facilitate collaboration and relationship building within the corporate leadership ecosystem, offering a series of presentations that help inform upcoming goals for senior leaders. These events may focus on improving internal operations, policies, and employee engagement, or they can create an opportunity for c-suite leaders to communicate directly with leaders of their pilot programs.
3. Leadership Meeting
A leadership meeting is a catch-all term used to describe an annual meeting or one that is convened to address a specific issue or top priority task at hand. While geared towards leaders, this type of event isn’t necessarily limited to just current leaders; it can also include high-potential leaders or top performing people in sales, management, or other divisions.
When leadership meetings are structured correctly, they’re the perfect environment for sharing insights and ultimately moving the business forward together. How do you structure a leadership team meeting? Circulate an agenda that includes the topics you’ll discuss, the amount of time allocated to each topic, and who will be leading the discussion; set time limits for discussing each agenda item; encourage participation so that everyone feels valued; record or document meetings and promptly circulate meeting notes with action items; then send out a follow-up email with action items outlined.
4. Leadership Team Meeting
A leadership team meeting is a regularly scheduled meeting between the top executives, department heads, and managers of an organization or functional group. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the progress of the organization or group as a whole, as well as specific projects or initiatives. This gathering affords leadership the opportunity to assess performance, set goals, discuss roadblocks, and make informed decisions that will drive the team forward.
Regular communication amongst leadership enables teams to work collaboratively and align their goals towards a shared company- or function-wide vision. Leadership team meetings help keep everyone on the same page. This gathering can also help identify potential issues early on and determine solutions before they grow into more significant concerns. Finally, leadership team meetings provide an avenue to ensure accountability for each stakeholder of the team.
5. Leadership Forum
A leadership forum is an event designed for a group of leaders to intentionally create specific conversations. The goal is to provoke dialogue and knowledge-sharing, typically across different business units and functions, by creating a cross-collaboration of different functional expertise. Leadership forums are focused on idea exchange and collaborative learning. While other events may highlight product offerings or provide continuing education credits, leadership forums prioritize conversations and relationship-building. They are a chance for attendees to explore new concepts and strategies and engage in a meaningful dialogue with peers.
6. Leadership Offsite
Leadership offsites are a form of executive development that can improve a team's collaboration, creativity and problem-solving. Usually, leadership offsites are hosted, well - offsite, in a remote location, removing executives from the daily stress of the office environment and placing them in a more relaxed and constructive atmosphere. These retreats whisk leaders away from their day to day responsibilities, allowing them to focus on strategic planning, decision making, and problem-solving without daily workplace distractions.
7. Leadership Training
Leadership training programs are scheduled for individuals to develop or improve their leadership skills, including communication, decision-making, and teamwork. This event focuses on giving participants the tools and skills they need to become more effective leaders in their organization. Leadership training events can be conducted in a variety of formats, including workshops, seminars, conferences, and online training.
Why is leadership training important? Effective leadership is critical to the success of any organization. A strong leader can motivate, inspire, and lead a team to achieve incredible results. However, leadership skills are not innate, and they can be learned and developed. Leadership training events provide employees with an opportunity to develop their skills and become effective leaders within their organization.
8. Leadership Retreats
Leadership retreats are events that take place outside of the office environment, typically in a serene, natural setting. They often involve team-building activities that encourage communication, creativity, and collaboration. Retreats can last for one or two days or more, depending on the company's needs.
When planning a leadership retreat, select a location that is conducive to team bonding and away from city distractions. Develop a program that combines fun and educational activities to allow attendees to learn while having a good time. And make sure the retreat content aligns with your company's goals and objectives.
9. Leadership Development Program
Leadership development programs are specialized training courses designed to develop leadership potential in individuals. They are tailored to specific needs, depending on the organization's objectives and the participants' roles. Participants are chosen based on their leadership potential or level of leadership experience, and the programs seek to enhance their communication skills, strategic thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and other critical leadership attributes.
Leadership programs can be held in-house, outsourced, or through partnerships with other organizations. They may involve group sessions, one-on-one coaching, seminars, workshops, and other interactive activities that help build skills and confidence.
Leadership programs are typically led by experienced facilitators who provide education, and training to participants. It’s important to find speakers who are experienced facilitators and have enough deep experience in their field to lead an impactful workshop that can range from two to eight hours. What’s needed from a facilitator here is far more than an “extended keynote;” your facilitator must possess the ability to command a workshop, hold attention, and teach. A strong facilitator invests significant time and energy into creating workshops that include a thoughtful series of exercises, with interactions that bring the teachings to life for each attendee.
10. Leadership Workshops
Leadership workshops are events that are designed to teach attendees new skills and knowledge. They typically involve a facilitator who shares insights and best practices with attendees. Workshops can be half-day, full-day, or multi-day events depending on the depth of knowledge you want to impart.
As with a leadership development program, the importance of a facilitator in the success of a leadership workshop can not be overstated. Your facilitator must be an expert in the field and deliver personalized, interactive sessions. Create an environment that enhances learning, such as a classroom setup or collaborative seating, and establish clear learning objectives and outcomes for your attendees.
Leadership events are an investment in the future of any company, and corporate event planners must organize them consistently to support the success and growth of their organizations.
Good luck! And reach out if you need help.